Thursday, November 24, 2011

giving thanks.

There are things I am greatful for. Things I thank the Lord for every day, but there are also things I forget to give thanks for. Like the difficult things, the growing things, the moments that seem impossible and unworthy to mutter the words "thank you for this." Today I feel thankful despite. Despite the fact that I am a thousand miles from my family who will be celebrating and loving on each other today. Despite the fact that I didn't sleep last night because I spent the hours holding my oldest daughters hair as she lost her cookies (literally, we frosted and ate way too many cookies yesterday). Despite my husband not being home. Despite the little things that I could ramble on about but it's unnecessary because I am not here to gain sympathy or a sad face from you. I just want to encourage you because I know many of you are feeling some of these same things today as your friends and family are celebrating with or without you. Don't fret over the little things and give thanks to the One who made it all. That is what I am doing today, giving thanks for everything, even though there's no pumpkin pie, because that's not what it's about.

To my family back home, I love you and I am forever thankful for you. And to my family here in Mexico, I love you and am equally thankful. Blessings on your day and Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Hello
    Trying to get ahold of you regarding a painting you found in Oregon. Thank you..
